Tag Archives: nature

Quick Thoughts

Life, set me free from my thoughts because
my mind is racing, and I am losing.

I can’t find the finish line, even worse, I can’t
go back to the start.

Days are starting to blur.

The tree grew and we all knew who he would be.
We knew the fruit it would bare.
We Knew it all.

But we didn’t know the faces of those who sought
its shade.
We didnt know the birds that would land on its branches
Or whose initials were carved in a heart.

Sky; 2009

The darkest hues paint the sky.

I’ve fallen helpess before it, captured.
Drawn into its vastness.
Lured by its beauty.
Taken by its mystery.
If I can unlock any of its secrets- I wouldnt.
It’s the uncertainty, the comparison-
that weakens me,
that humbles me,
while revitalizing me- sending electric shocks when I’m complacent.
God’s creations are beyond thought.
Beyond all else, we stand as a SPECK on this temporary stay.
We are visitors.
We are aliens.
And we are nothing, alone.
We are everything, with Him.
The skies speak such truths.