Tag Archives: writing


Words elude me-

They rush to my mind all at once

And turn to smoke when I try to speak.

Even when words stay,

Oh they always seem to fall short.

Never quite the right intensity.

Never quite the right label.

The wave of emotions inside me are crashing

Against the walls of my heart,

While drowning the logic in my mind.

Yet satisfying any thirst I can ever have.

Because to “feel” is often called a curse.

To be moved by everything seems weak.

But, oh “to feel” – to feel is to make sense of the rain without trying.

Your senses merge.

Your feet are now with the sand.

Your hands are now with the wind.

These feelings have a home

And its okay if they stay.

Quick Thoughts

Life, set me free from my thoughts because
my mind is racing, and I am losing.

I can’t find the finish line, even worse, I can’t
go back to the start.

Days are starting to blur.

The tree grew and we all knew who he would be.
We knew the fruit it would bare.
We Knew it all.

But we didn’t know the faces of those who sought
its shade.
We didnt know the birds that would land on its branches
Or whose initials were carved in a heart.


Blue sky,
Oh blue sky,
find me because I am lost.

Find me because words elude me right now
and the warm sun is but a memory.
And my memories are fleeting.

If you find me, remind me
that I was once a wild flower
dancing through the sky
with the wind as my guide .

Remind me because I need a familiar
place to land my feet.

Making First-Time Feelings Last

Try to retain
innocence in something.

Revert back to the initial excitement
of first encounters.

Try not to let everything that was once
become everyday air.

Refrain from such expiration
on our thoughts and our emotions.

Let these butterflies
roam and flutter
and reach further corners of our heart and mind

Breathe it in once more
And let it consume you.

Get lost in the familiar.

Roots; 2012

Life rooted in peace yields good fruit.

Take kind words with you everywhere you go.
Let love reign your thoughts.
Let the struggle of your neighbors be yours
Show compassion – you will gain from such exchanges.

Because days are to be thoroughly lived.
Maximizing the seconds of every minute
Feeling each tick and tock.

Math = Love

Love is simple.
People are not.
Situations are clear.
Interpretations are not.

The most complicated, studied, abstract
are rather simple in nature.


We are the ones that add external components
But if we were to simplify- we’d find an “x”

[(x^3 – y^5)^2]/ z^2 – x^y/ y

we multiply issues
add drama
subtract sense
and we divide people from one another

Remove yourself from the equation
